A larger-than-life project that never ends

Lightning struck out of the blue in 1977, when I received a Conic video game console as a Christmas present. I passionately opened the package and switched it with my little hands to the newly received black and white television and a new fascinating world opened up.
As the antenna cable sings pong in the twilight, while hunger creeps from the internal organs to the brain cells, the young explorer’s next target was the computers he could use to program and create games and demos himself. In the early 80s, the game and demoscene really took off after the development of machines and the lowering of prices to a human level, and the rest is history.
The idea of a game and retro computer museum crept into my mind when games went more and more to digital services. I got the feeling that the games lost their soul when I could no longer jump on the physical game media or admire the wonderful cover images and instruction booklets.
A place had to be found for the games and devices collected over the years, and RGH was a suitable continuation for this. The goal is to share the joy of games and playing with others. Several items are unique and treasures in their own way, so shared joy is the best joy.
We started to develop a concept around games, where we can introduce e.g. At our office in Kuopio, we develop a collection, we also develop mobile collections and exhibitions. We are also working on the development of tourism and recreation day events around retro fun.
The reason why I call this a larger-than-life project is because games and devices have interesting stories, events and important history that must be cherished now and in the future. I want this history to be preserved for future generations as well.
I want to thank all the volunteers, donors, sponsors and employees. Your contribution is invaluable and without you Retro Game House would not be what it is today.
One game at a time, forward into the future.
– Mika Hoffren
Mika founded his first IT company Image World in 1992. Image World is currently Finland’s oldest internet operator, which is still owned by the same owner. Today it is part of the Sollertis company owned by Mika.
Commodore and Amiga were important work tools in the early days of Image World. Mika’s first server machine is still in the museum’s collections. The equipment collection started when Mika felt it was important to remember and share the company’s history through equipment. The hobby of collecting later also expanded to games.
According to an unofficial ranking, Retro Game House’s collection is the ninth largest in the world. We are currently organizing our collection so that we can display it during 2025. In the meantime, you can explore our collection virtually.
We will organize private gaming experiences at the museum, e.g. for work and hobby groups and also theme weeks.